Sunday, July 28, 2013

My role at the writing center, and the reason the writing center is important to USC Upstate

We were asked to write about our roles, and the role of the writing center itself, for work. I thought I'd share. Any thoughts are welcome!

I see my role as helping students develop their voices; I look at each paper as the message that they are trying to get across, and each paper, then, is an opportunity to improve the skills that enable people to more clearly and impactfully say what they want to say.

I feel like I bring enthusiasm and patience to this community, because I have a passion for the students who come in. I have a lot of empathy, as well - I understand that a lot of students come from backgrounds that did not fully prepare them for the level of academic writing that their college classes require, but I find that many students want to know the right way to write formally - they just have never had the opportunities to learn.

I think the Writing Center may be the singularly most important service to students that this campus offers. I say this because, in my opinion, if one cannot write, one does not think as fully as one has the potential to. There is something about the process of writing that pulls thoughts together, making the comprehension of any given idea more full. Between the research, structuring, actual writing, and editing, something happens to the mind that goes beyond even just clarity. There are few subjects that do not involve the skills learned through basic reading and writing - even in the math and science fields, papers are required for the highest levels of learning and application to everyday life.

Original post: Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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